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Why Hire a Professional Landscaper?

Siesta key landscape blog

DIY landscaping projects can be a lot of fun, as long as everything goes according to plan but, if you don’t have the right training, tools or experience, a simple DIY project can quickly turn into a major unexpected expense - especially if you hit a utility line while digging!

Professional Landscapers have the knowledge, experience, equipment (and insurance) to handle any problem that might arise. They’re familiar with local rules and regulations, and they know what plants, irrigation systems, and water strategies will work best with your soil composition and climate.

There are many great reasons to hire a Professional Landscaper, especially for larger projects, even if you mow your own lawn and trim your own hedges each week. Here are some of them:

Professional Landscaping Increases Your Property Value

Professional landscaping offers an excellent return on investment. According to John Gidding, host of HGTV’s “Curb Appeal” and Logo TV’s “Secret Guide to Fabulous”, a landscaping investment can yield as much as a 1,000% return. As a rule of thumb, Erik Shorb, co-owner American Plant, a Bethesda-based nursery and landscaping company, recommends investing 10% of your property value on landscaping. Of course, there are many things you can do to significantly improve your home’s curb appeal through landscaping, even if you only have a few hundred dollars to spend on landscaping.

Professional Landscaping Makes Your Home More Enjoyable

Professional Landscapers have the creative vision to turn an ugly backyard into your favorite staycation and, when your backyard looks good, you and your family will want to spend more time at home.

Professional Landscaping Lowers Your Water AND Energy Bills

You probably already know that the right landscaping will reduce your water consumption but, reports show that “shading and evaporation from trees can reduce surrounding air temperatures by as much as 6°F” and “air temperatures directly under trees can be as much as 25°F cooler.” Talk about return on investment!

Professional Landscaping Will Save Your Back

Professional Landscaping is back-breaking work, especially if you don’t have a crew or the right equipment and hauling landscaping supplies in your sedan can take the fun out of any DIY project.

Maintaining your new-found oasis can be hard work too. If you don’t want to spend your hard-earned weekend working on the yard (or your hard-earned money paying someone else to do it), a professional landscaper can offer low-maintenance options.

Professional Landscaping Can Help Your Maximize Your Space

Even a small area can become a relaxing getaway with the right vision.

Professional Landscapers Can Keep You On Budget

We’ve all seen DIY Projects spin out of control. Professional Landscapers can tell you how much a project will cost (before you are knee-deep in it), they can help you establish priorities so you can stretch a project across a few phases, and help you stay on budget!

If you’re ready to increase your property value, reduce your cooling costs or just make your outdoor spaces more enjoyable, call Siesta Key Landscape at 941-379-3479.


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